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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/23/2017
May 23rd, 2017 at 7:00pm
Town Hall, 663 Main Street


7:00pm Brian Berube opened the public meeting with members present being Brian Berube (Chair), Karen Overfield, Lori Stephenson, Jeff Larence, Jeff Bryan and Rebecca Longvall (Conservation Agent).

Chair Brian calls to order the public hearing for a Request for Determination regarding fire ponds located at 114 Sugar Rd. and 164 Long Hill Rd. Jack Holbrook was present to represent the Fire Department for this project. The proposed work included the maintenance of the two fire ponds involving the removal of silt and vegetation by a vacuum truck. Lori clarified for the commission who owned the property/where it was located. The silt and vegetation would be brought to the sand pit in town run by Chris Slade. Rebecca clarified for an abutter there is to be no work on the opposite side of the road. Also asked about the difference between the “traditional” methods vs. the vacuum truck proposed. The vacuum method is assumed to cause the least amount of disturbance. Karen clarified that the trucks shall remain on the paved road surface and not enter the resource area. Chair Brian made a motion to make a negative 5 determination pursuant to the Wetland Protection Act under 10.02 regarding permitted infrastructure maintenance for public entities. Karen seconds, all unanimously approve.
The next meeting dates are confirmed for June 6th and June 20th at 7pm at a location to be determined.
Chair Brian makes a motion to approve the minutes for 5/9/2017 as drafted. Karen seconded, all unanimously approve.
The Taylor property violation was discussed and the commission moves to start ticketing after a letter is sent to the home owner following an update from Natural Heritage.
7:30pm Brian opened the public hearing for the Request for Determination regarding 80 Meadow Rd. for a stone wall along the side of the pre-existing driveway. Bill and his wife Joan were present. The project involves the placement of stones from other areas of the property to create a stone wall outside 25ft. buffer from the wetland area in an areas that is previously maintained. Work is to be done without heavy machinery, no filling or grading required. Chair Brian makes a motion to make a negative 5 determination pursuant to 10.02 (b)(2) fencing; so long as it does not constitute a barrier to wildlife movement…stone walls;…. Lori seconded, all unanimously approve.
7:45pm Chair Brian makes a motion to approve the OOC for 40/42 Hudson Rd. as drafted. Jeff B seconded, all unanimously approve.
7:50pm Chair Brian makes a motion to approve the OOC for 82 Teele Rd. as drafted. Lori second, all unanimously approve.
The commission discusses procedural ideas regarding expenditure of funds for general maintenance materials. A benchmark was proposed and will be drafted as a procedure to reference in the future.
Chair Brian makes a motion to close the public meeting. Karen seconded, all unanimously approve.